K-12 student enrichment programs offered by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) include both science education programs for middle and high school students and informal educational community outreach for various grades.
Science Education Program
Science on Saturday
Science Education Program
Science on Saturday
Science on Saturday is a series of free lectures and demonstrations intended for middle and high school students and teachers. The topics are selected from the forefront of LLNL science and technology research in a variety of disciplines. Lectures are held in Livermore, Tracy and other Central Valley locations. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Tri-Valley Science and Engineering Fair
Tri-Valley Science and Engineering Fair
The Tri-Valley Science and Engineering Fair (TVSEF) is a science project competition for students in grades 7-12 from schools within Alamo, Danville, Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon, and Sunol. The fair is affiliated with the prestigious Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. In preparation for the TVSEF, LLNL conducts a hands-on workshop, Science Fair 101, for high school students. Science Fair 101 helps students develop, plan and present their science fair project. A workshop for teachers is also provided to help train teachers in science fair procedures and the scientific method.
Community Outreach
Super Science Field Trips
Community Outreach
Super Science Field Trips
Field trips to the Laboratory are available to local 5th grade classes Monday through Friday, LLNL holidays excluded. The half-day morning program includes a visit to the Lab's Discovery Center and an interactive, hands-on Fun with Science presentation by a Lab scientist. Registration is required, and one class at a time participates.
Scout and Science Club Field Trips
Scout and Science Club Field Trips
Scouts and Science Clubs are invited to experience a science adventure at the Laboratory's Discovery Center. The Discovery Center has a variety of displays relating to the Lab's incredible science and engineering in support of national and homeland security and other important areas of science. Visitors can create their own earthquake, generate energy on an energy bike, and handle the lightest substance ever made - Aerogel - created right here at LLNL. The Discovery Center is open Tuesday - Friday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm and Saturday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
High School Science Tours
High School Science Tours
High school science classes can tour some of the nation's most exciting research facilities located at LLNL. Tours are offered free of charge on Tuesday mornings from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Certain restrictions apply. Registration is required, and one class at a time participates.
Expanding Your Horizons in Math & Science Conferences
Expanding Your Horizons in Math & Science Conferences
Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) are one-day conferences for middle and high school girls designed to encourage girls to consider careers in math and science related fields. Lawrence Livermore and Sandia National Laboratories co-sponsor two annual EYH conferences: Tri-Valley EYH (San Ramon) held in the February/March time frame and San Joaquin EYH (Stockton) held in October. Registration is required.Fun with Science
Scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) travel to your school site to conduct interactive science presentations and demonstrations in chemistry, physical sciences, and environmental sciences. The presenter engages students in discussions about scientific and technological concepts, while asking questions and providing interactive, hands-on experiments to enhance learning and scientific thinking skills. Fun With Science presents to students and teachers at the grade 3-6 level. The presentations are educational and enjoyable and students learn that science is fun! Registration is required. One school site is visited at a time.
MATHCOUNTS is an enrichment, coaching, and competition program offered by the Livermore Valley Unified School District that promotes middle school mathematics achievement through grassroots involvement. Volunteer coaches meet with students at their school for one hour each week to help students solve math word problems. Students are highly motivated, and the work is fun and rewarding!
Scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) travel to your school site to conduct interactive science presentations and demonstrations in chemistry, physical sciences, and environmental sciences. The presenter engages students in discussions about scientific and technological concepts, while asking questions and providing interactive, hands-on experiments to enhance learning and scientific thinking skills. Fun With Science presents to students and teachers at the grade 3-6 level. The presentations are educational and enjoyable and students learn that science is fun! Registration is required. One school site is visited at a time.
MATHCOUNTS is an enrichment, coaching, and competition program offered by the Livermore Valley Unified School District that promotes middle school mathematics achievement through grassroots involvement. Volunteer coaches meet with students at their school for one hour each week to help students solve math word problems. Students are highly motivated, and the work is fun and rewarding!
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