A bilateral Agreement on cooperation in Science & Technology between the Government of India and Government of Nepal was concluded in March 2002 during the visit of the Nepalese Prime Minister to India. As per provisions of the Agreement, an Indo-Nepal Joint Committee on Science & Technology was constituted to oversee the implementation of the cooperation programme. The first meeting of the Joint Committee was held in Kathmandu in the last week of August 2002.
Programme of Cooperation
A Programme of Cooperation (POC) in S&T was concluded in August 2002 between the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India and the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of Nepal giving the details of administrative and financial arrangements on various activities. The second meeting of Joint Committee took place in New Delhi on 7-8 April, 2004 to review the progress of activities taken up under POC in SD&T for 2002-200

Establishment of INSAT Meteorological Data Receiving station in Kathmandu
An MoU between DST, India and MOEST, Nepal was signed in September 2004, for cooperation between the two sides for the Establishment of INSAT Meteorological Data Receiving Station in Kathmandu. The Project is being implemented by India Meteorological Department (IMD) from the Indian side which will supply and install all the equipment for receiving and processing INSAT data for meteorological purposes. Nepalese scientists would also be trained by IMD for operation of the system and interpretation of data.
Establishment of a High Performance Computing Facility in Kathmandu
An MoU for the Establishment of a High Performance Computing Facility in Kathmandu is currently at the final stage. Under the project, India would supply and install a High Performance Computing system to Nepal which will be housed in Ministry of Science and Technology in Kathmandu. Initially, a few selected areas would be taken up under the project. The Computer will also be used for manpower training in particular fields.
Visits from Nepal
The then Minister for Environment, Science & Technology, Mr. Mahant Thakur led a delegation comprising Members of Legislature, Parliament, Secretaries of various Ministers, Vice Chairman of High level Commission for Information Technology, Member of National Planning Commission to India from May 14 to 19, 2007 to study the achievements of India in the area of IT Sector.
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