Sunday, July 26, 2009

Escherichia coli

What are E. coli?

Escherichia coli are Gram-negative bacteria that belong to the g-proteobacteria. As they primarily live in the mammalian gut they have been grouped with other related bacteria as 'enteric' bacteria. They are straight rod shaped cells of about 2 µm long and 0.5 µm wide, which can grow and divide rapidly by binary fission.
There are many different types of E. coli and the chief way they are distinguished is immunologically using serotyping. The current typing system is based mainly on three types of antigen: the somatic (O) antigen which corresponds to terminal sugars on the cell surface lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the capsular (K) antigens and the flagellar (H) antigen. There are over 170 O antigens, over 100 K antigens and over 50 H antigens. Hence, when we refer to pathogenic strain O157:H7, it means that this E. coli has O antigen 157 and H antigen 7. Many other strains cause disease as well, like O26:H11
Why do we use E. coli K-12?
While there is a great diversity of strains in the environment, only a few are used in the lab. The majority are a derivative of a commensal strain called K-12. One of the main reasons why this microbe is a key research tool is that it is safe to handle; you could drink a culture of the stuff and not notice any effect (not to be recommended, however!). As well as being safe to use, K-12 is ridiculously easy to grow. It is usually cultured in the lab on a rich nutrient broth or agar, which supplies plenty of goodies for rapid growth. Whilst it is often said to be able to divide every 20 minutes, that is really only under absolutely optimal conditions. However, it still grows very quickly compared to other microbes. This is a big advantage in school as a culture can be set up one evening and by the following day nice clear and distinct colonies are visible on an agar plate.
Growing E. coli in nutrient broth is a quick and simple way of propagating this microbe, but does not exploit one of E. coli's most important properties. Unlike humans and many other microbes, it doesn't need lots of complex chemicals, like vitamins, to grow. Just provide a solution of some sugar (glucose is best), ammonium sulphate, salt and phosphates and grow it aerobically at the 37oC used in research laboratories and it's perfectly happy. Such incubation temperatures are not allowed in schools, but even at the permitted maximum of 25oC, K-12 still grows well. Basically, it can synthesise everything it needs to make a completely new cell from these few simple molecules, which is a seriously impressive feat.
All E. coli are not the same.
While K-12 and B strains are safe microbes, we know that there are other E. coli out there like O157:H7 that can kill people. However, these are quite different from K-12 even though they have the same species name. This is illustrated very clearly when the DNA sequences (genomes) that make up K-12 and O157:H7 are compared. They are 25% different from each other! As humans share about 99% of their DNA with chimps, this gives an indication of how much evolution and movement of genes have occurred in the environment since these 2 strains of E. coli last had a common ancestor.
Scientists now know why K-12 is not harmful. Many of the known properties of the bacteria that allow them to cause disease, called virulence factors, are seen in pathogenic strains but not in K-12. In fact, the K-12 strain used in the laboratory is even less dangerous than a commensal strain living in your own gut that you might isolate from your stools. K-12 has been grown in the lab for many generations and so has adapted to live there rather than the intestine. It wouldn't stand a chance in the hugely competitive environment that is your gut where bacteria are constantly evolving to keep their 'cutting edge' and not be pushed out by other microbes. Getting K-12 to establish itself in the gut would be like trying to qualify for a Formula 1 race with a car from 1922 (which is when K-12 was taken from the somebody's gut)! It was competitive at the time, but is now way off the pace.
E. coli K-12 is a friendly bacterium
Some studies that suggest E. coli could be used as a probiotic, but when you browse the web for information about commensal E. coli you will find a statement something like 'E. coli is a friendly bacterium as it can produce vitamins that we require, especially vitamin K'. Not trusting the internet as a particularly reliable source, I searched for experimental data that supports this assertion.
Vitamin K is essential in humans and most animals as we cannot synthesise the compound ourselves. In humans, vitamin K is used by the liver to synthesise prothrombin, which in turn is processed to form the enzyme thrombin; a key enzyme involved in the blood clotting process and there is increasing evidence that vitamin K has additional roles in maintaining in bone health. There are two forms of vitamin K, vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. Vitamin K1 is called phylloquinone and comes from our diet. It is found in some oils, especially soybean oil, and in dark-green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Vitamin K2 is menaquinone, which can come from the bacteria in the gut and indeed E. coli can synthesise menaquinone because it uses it during respiration. As E. coli lives and dies in the gut, the dead cells release vitamin K2, which can then, theoretically, be absorbed and utilised by the body.
Evidence suggesting vitamin K derived from E. coli can improve diet
A number of studies have given support to the idea that vitamin K2 produced by the gut flora, and specifically by E. coli, has an important function in keeping us healthy. One study looked at rats that were born and raised in a sterile environment in the absence of any bacteria (gnotobiotic). They infected different rats with different bacteria, including E. coli, and found that the ones that were known to make menaquinone in the lab also made it when they were growing in the rats. They also showed that the concentration of the menaquinone in the liver (a site where vitamin K functions) was increased in the rats that had been infected with bacteria that made menaquinones. Hence, in rats at least, there is evidence that menaquinone made by E. coli can be taken up by the host organism and concentrated in the liver (Kindberg et al., 1987).
A second more recent study looked at the reverse process. This study was in humans that had a normal fully formed gut flora (of which E. coli only makes a tiny proportion). Like the study above, they measure d the concentration of menaquinone in the livers of patients who had just died. They compared the amount of menaquinone in individuals who had been taking broad spectrum antibiotics before they died (in whom most of the gut flora would have been absent) to individuals who had not (who should have had a normal gut flora). They found that individuals who had been treated with antibiotics had a much reduced menaquinone content in their livers. The authors suggest that a reduction in the gut flora responsible for menaquinone production (which includes E. coli) leads to reduced stores of this form of the vitamin in the liver (Conly and Stein, 1994).
While both these studies demonstrate that menaquinone produced by E. coli can be utilised by humans neither demonstrate that this is i) giving a benefit to health and ii) that E. coli is really contributing to this in the mixed population of the gut. Also, it is clear that the majority of the vitamin K that we obtain is as vitamin K1 from our diet and so the often quoted benefit of E. coli in our guts does still seem a possibility but has no real experimental support.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Contribution of some scientists in Microbiology

contribution of Alexender fleming
Alexender fleming is famous for discovery of antibiotics penicillin .In 1929, fleming did one experimrnt .He cultivated staphylococcus aereus in nutrient agar plate was contaminated with a mold.He noticed that there was clear zone around the mold .He thought that mold inhibited the growth of bacteria so there were no bacteria around the mold .Then he did analysis of this mold & found that moldwas penicillium notatum.penicillium notatum have produced one anti-bacterial chemical that killed the bacteria around the mold. He name this chemical as 'penicillin' later this chemical become very famous & usebul drugs to prevent wound infection .This discovery lead to the discovery of many other antibiotics by other scientist.

contribution of joseph lister
Joseph lister is famous for development of antiseptic technique.Antiseptic technique is removing of microorganism from material such as surgical dressing by using various chemical .Joseh lister for the first time used carbolic acid solution towards the surgicalinstruments & surgical dressing when lister use carblic acid treated surgical dressing to protect wound,wound helling occured faster then the wound whichis protected by dressing that are not treated by carbolic acid .From this experimrent lister concluded that such antiseptic technique is necessary for the microbiological & surgical work.So Joseph lister is famous for estsblishment of antiseptic surgical technique.

contribution of Elie -Metchnikoff
Elie-Metchnikoff described the process of phagocytasis.Phagocytosis is a process in which certain white blood cells ingest the bacteria in the body & kill it. Thesse WBC thateat bacteria are called the phagocytes .Thesephagocytes protects the body from these disease causing bacteria .Metchnikoff for the first time describe how these WBC ingest & kill the bacteria .He also exlain that this phagocytes cell provide first line of defense against such bacteria.
contribution of Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner have give the contibution in the field of immunology for the first time ,practise of immunization as done by Edward Jenner in 1978. At first time he isolated the fluid from the cow which is infected by small pox disease.Then he injected the old culture thin fluid into the child name james phipps .After innoculation he found that the child become resistance to the small pox injection .The vaccination practice now a days is also based on same pprinciple that Edward Jenner applied several years ago.Edward Jenner this experiment suggest that when inactivated organism or innoculated into the same organism in the future .Therefore the word vaccination is derived from the Jenner's experiment i,e vacca means cow in latin word.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tanzania’s national tree brings hope for future

Sebastian Chuwa, an Associate Laureate of the 2002 Rolex Awards, has been working to save the forests of northern Tanzania and in particular the national tree, the African blackwood or mpingo.

Chuwa’s massive environmental education programme has encouraged Tanzanians, including thousands of schoolchildren, to plant tree seedlings to restore the nation’s dwindling forests. The total of young trees planted over the 15 years that he has led this work has reached 1,445,000, with the 1.5 million figure expected early in 2009.

In Tanzania, one of the world’s poorest countries, people are often tempted to cut down valuable, indigenous trees like the mpingo. Despite this, thanks largely to the replanting programme, “there is more forest than there was five or 10 years ago”, Chuwa says. While his campaign needs many years of further planting and environmental education to succeed fully, the 54-year-old Laureate says “the sight of trees growing since I planted them when I was young gives me hope”.

Over the past two years, the African Blackwood Conservation Project (ABCP), set up to support Chuwa’s project, has gained funding from the UK-based Good Gifts Catalog, which enables individuals and organizations to make gifts to environmental and humanitarian programmes around the world. Thanks to this funding, mpingo trees are being replanted at locations in northern Tanzania: at Makayuni, two full-time workers are now employed by ABCP to plant trees, while a school in Kilindini has agreed to plant 5,000 mpingo trees. Thousands of seedlings are being planted at other locations, bringing the 1.5 million mark steadily closer.

A key element of the ABCP programme is ensuring that seedlings receive plenty of attention in the first few years of growth to ensure their survival.